Monthly Expenses and POSB Invest Saver update (February 2017)

Hello readers! February had been hectic for me as I was preparing for my preliminary exams. There were days where I had forgotten to track my expenses. I have used estimates for days I missed out on tracking, so the figures for this month may not be as accurate.

Previously in January, I was using the app Expense Manager to track my expenses, but it was a hassle since there was no overview of how much I had spent for the month. I have switched to Monefy in February, and it was much better with an overview and options to add different expense categories.

Here are my expenses for February 2017:

Category $
Eating out -71.4
Transport -22.78
Groceries -20.52

Here are the transactions for February 2017:

ABF Singapore Bond Index Fund (A35.SI)

Date Units Bought Units Sold Net Units Price ($)
25-Feb-17 86.99 -0.99 86.00 1.1437
