Monthly Expenses and POSB Invest Saver update (February 2017)

Hello readers! February had been hectic for me as I was preparing for my preliminary exams. There were days where I had forgotten to track my expenses. I have used estimates for days I missed out on tracking, so the figures for this month may not be as accurate.

Previously in January, I was using the app Expense Manager to track my expenses, but it was a hassle since there was no overview of how much I had spent for the month. I have switched to Monefy in February, and it was much better with an overview and options to add different expense categories.

Here are my expenses for February 2017:

Category $
Eating out -71.4
Transport -22.78
Groceries -20.52

Here are the transactions for February 2017:

ABF Singapore Bond Index Fund (A35.SI)

Date Units Bought Units Sold Net Units Price ($)
25-Feb-17 86.99 -0.99 86.00 1.1437


Author: whitecanvas

Quiet I may be in person, but silence doesn't exist in the world inside my mind.

2 thoughts on “Monthly Expenses and POSB Invest Saver update (February 2017)”

  1. Just noticed you have not set up the POSB Invest Saver for the Nikko AM STI ETF (G3B). Any reason why you have set it up for the ABF Singapore Bond Index Fund (A35) but not for the G3B?


    1. Hi Finance Smiths,

      I had invested monthly into A35 with the intention of withdrawing the amount within 3-4 years in the future. Investing into the index might have been too short I thought, and my risk appetite was rather low back when I was choosing. It’s never too late to start index investing, but I will do so with money I intend to set aside for a longer time horizon. Thanks for dropping by!


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